The Quiltsmart Coat
Ideas are still swirling in our heads even after the book is done. We will post them here when they are in process and/or complete. We will also post answers to questions that will benefit all. Thank you all for your overwhelming support of the book, “The Quiltsmart Coat”, and of quilt coats in general!

Half-Shapes ready for my coat!
Postage Stamp Quilt Design made with Quiltsmart PiX Smart Grid. Coat Pattern: Cozy Coat by Tropical Research.
April 1, 2024

Mariann models her Flying Geese Coat! She just has the binding to do!
Quiltsmart Flying Geese Coat Pack
Coat Pattern: StyleArc Loren Shawl Collar
Fabrics: A variety of batiks and solid cottons.

Sue models her "Tula" coat.
Quiltsmart 2.5" PiX Smart Grid Coat Pack
Quiltsmart Smart Pockets: Welt Pocket
Grainline Studio Tamarack Jacket Pattern & Collar
FreeSpirit Fabrics: Tula Pink Linework

Quiltsmart North Star Blocks! (coming soon)
Tropical Research Cozy Coat Pattern Bomber Jacket Hack
FreeSpirit Fabrics: Vivacious Cotton Lawn (so lovely and light!)
Posted: August 2022

SMART POCKETS! All humility aside, I LOVE our pockets. So easy to get professional results. A welt pocket could not be easier. SO Easy to place on the grid - I marked with a pin where I wanted the top, and placed the interfacing along the diagonal of the grid. TIP: after stitching on the lines, IF the fabric is bulky, trim the layers a tiny bit- 16th-1/8th”. Fold your coat right sides together so you can check the pocket placement of the other side. This one is spot on!

Amanda layered Quiltsmart's Wave Border using different widths of strips to create panels (page 55) for this gorgeous coat! She used the Tamarack Jacket coat pattern (lengthened the coat and made a straight hem) with the hood, and Quiltsmart's Smart Pockets. Note the creative way that Amanda fussy-cut the fabrics. More about her coat quilt on page 124 of the "The Quiltsmart Coat" book.